Dr. Going is at this time only accepting new patients who have been referred by other providers or family members.
If you would like to schedule a first office visit, please call Claire at (619) 685-9767. If you have some questions about whether treatment with Dr. Going would be a good fit for you and would like to meet her in person or chat by phone first, please schedule a complementary 15 minute Meet & Greet appointment from the link to the right of this screen.
Thank you for considering Dr Going’s naturopathic care for your health care needs.
Here are a few things you should know before coming to your first appointment with Dr Going:
Dr Going accepts some medical insurance plans and patients who wish to pay private/cash. Please be aware that you are responsible to know your own insurance coverage. Dr. Going does not accept patients with Tricare or Molina. Please check with your insurance company before your visit to find out your benefits for naturopathic care, including the amount covered, the number of visits covered, and whether Dr. Going is a covered provider with your plan. Please be aware of any copay and deductible for which you are responsible. Your copay and payment for any supplements or remedies that Dr. Going may prescribe are due at the time of the office visit. Full payment is due at the time of service if we are not billing insurance. You are responsible for all charges that are not covered by your insurance.
If you do not have medical insurance that covers naturopathic care, please phone our office for our cash rates.
Dr. Going will need 4 Intake Forms; please fill out Profile, Financial Policy, Privacy Policy, and and Health History (either for adults or pediatric), completed and submitted prior to your appointment along with a copy of your medical insurance card and picture ID. The link to each form is listed below.
Intake forms can be completed in several ways;
- Print the forms and upload the completed forms to an email to either Dr Corina Going or to Claire – Administrative Assistant. Contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Completed forms can be mailed to Dr Corina Going at the office address below. Please allow sufficient time for mailing.
- If your visit is in person, bring the completed forms with you to your first appointment.
- Download a free Adobe Acrobat Reader and complete the forms digitally. Again, the completed forms can be emailed. **Please check that the information is saved to your device before uploading to an email to prevent Dr Going receiving blank forms. We appreciate the time taken to fill in all your information.
NOTE: In order to fill these forms in on mobile devices, you need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader app.
- Profile
- Financial Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Health History (Adult)
- Health History (Pediatric)
- Informed Consent for Telemed
- Informed Consent for Treatment
We understand that circumstances do occur making it difficult to keep appointments, however, we ask you to notify us at least 48 hours in advance if you cannot keep an appointment. We charge a missed appointment or a cancellation less than 48 hours in advance at half the regular visit rate and we charge the full amount for a no-show or a cancellation less than 24 hours in advance. Thank you for your understanding and patience with our decision to take credit card numbers to hold a new patient appointment. New patient no-shows and late cancellations were creating an unfair situation for other new patients who were waiting up to 2 months for an appointment. Unavoidable emergencies are considered exceptions to this policy.
Please bring bottles of any supplements you are currently taking so Dr Going can see the ingredients and any pertinent medical records of lab work you have had done.
Dr Going’s license is limited to patients in Washington state.